Saturday, August 3, 2013

Don't Eat the Marshmallow...Yet!

 I was fortunate to be invited to the Big Breakfast in Ft. Lauderdale this week to see and hear Dr. Joachim de Possada who is  speaker and author.  His famous book "Don't Eat the Marshmallow" has sold millions of copies world wide. What sounds like a funny title has deep meaning and consequences.

Back in the 50's, a study was conducted with children where they were sat a in a room, given a marshmallow and told if they waited until the reviewer came back they got two marshmallows.  The outcome of this study was that only 1 out of 3 didn't eat the marshmallow.  Later it was investigated that these same 1 out of 3 were more successful, they had better pay, better grades and an overall better life. 

Dr. Possada
There is a payoff in learning self discipline, patience; and to delay self gratification. Joachim had further studied this in other counties, and found that free/open societies had the same results where as with communist or severely under developed counties were 1 out of 10 who didn't eat the marshmallow. 

Dr. Possada went on to say that you can go through the pain of discipline now, or suffer through life with the pain of regret. He explained that when talking with people towards their life's end, that 1 out of 3 people were content and happy with the life they led. 2 out of 3 felt regret that they didn't do something. The same 2 out of 3 had less family and friends come and visit them.

My take away with this was that we all need to be patient, work on our self disciplines, and be grateful. Although there is lots of knowledge in the world, the one that applies the knowledge is more successful. We need to be memorable and spend time with those we love; after the money and fame is over we are left with friends and family.

Thank you to Chris Roehm, who organizes the Big Breakfast and provides great speakers to improve our business community.  Carey Britton, seating and mobility specialist,  writes for Active Mobility Center. He can be reached a 954-946-5793 or

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